Saturday, November 9, 2013

How to Cook Pork Adobo-pinoy

How to cook Pork Adobo (Filipino dish)

Pork Adobo with hardboiled eggs!
Pork Adobo with hardboiled eggs!
Ingredients: Oil, vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, grnd black pepper, sugar, pork and/or chicken.
Ingredients: Oil, vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, grnd black pepper, sugar, pork and/or chicken.
Prep Time: 45-85 minutes
Serves 6-8


2 lbs pork, cut up in 1 1/2 inch wide by 2 inches long
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp. grnd black pepper
1 cup soy sauce
1/4 c. vinegar
1 tbsp white or brown sugar is okay
4 hard boiled eggs
2 tbsp olive oil
2-3 bay leaves
2 cups of water or as needed.


Put oil, garlic in skillet, brown then add meat. Saute until water has dried up from the meat and until it is browned. Add soy sauce and ground black pepper until color has mixed in well with the meat . Keep mixing then add water to simmer until pork is tender. Wait until it gets thick and getting the color that you want to make it look delish.
Then add vinegar, simmer again 5-8 minutes. Add hard boiled eggs. Serve over rice or with bread is good!


- You can add as many as hardboiled eggs you want. For four of us in the family, I would normally use 6-8 pieces of them. Adding them is an alternative also in substitute of eating more rice plus we grew up in the philippines that when adobo is cooked, it is always added on the dish.
- Adding vinegar in the last few minutes of cooking time is very important. Putting the vinegar in the first step of boiling the meat is not advisable as this will not help in making them tender faster.
- This is a good source of protein especially for those people on diet trying to cut down on carbs.
-This can be cooked with pork and chicken combination or just chicken only is fine too.

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